
Shabbat Dinners
Can you handle an elegant five course dinner that excites the spirit, satisfies the soul, and stuffs the living daylights out of your stomach? Think about it…
You’re Jewish – Tonight’s Shabbat; let’s call it a date.
Our dinners are candle lit and always begin with a cup of kiddush and challah!
Weekly - Fridays
Chabad - 307 Hamilton Rd
7:00pm Dinner
(6:30 Services)
FREE Of Charge
Come and hang with friends or meet some new ones at our Chabad Socials throughout the semester. We'll have BBQ's, Fireplace and Smore's, Game Nights, Latke Making, Pizza in the Kosher Hut (Sukkah), Pumpkin Picking and so much more.
Makes sure you are signed up for the Chabad BOT so you get notified of all upcoming events and can RSVP right from your phone.
Or sign up for our weekly Enewsletter here.
Text SHALOM to 856-485-8477 to get started with the Chabad BOT!

We love to celebrate! The holidays come to life at Chabad!
Our holiday events include:
Rosh Hashanah Brisket Dinners & Services on both days of the holiday
Yom Kippur Services & Mega Break Fast
Sukkot Holiday Meals and a Sukkah on Campus,
Eight Crazy Nights of Chanukah (including a Giant Menorah Lighting, Chanukah Bash in the Student Center PIT, and much more)
Tu Bsvhat Events
Purim Socials and Events
Passover Seders and a week long Kosher for Passover Meal Plan
Lag Baomer events
Ongoing Classes
Dive into our 3000+ years of Jewish wisdom and knowledge. You can take our signature Sinai Scholars Course or choose from any array of different JewishU classes that we offer for any given semester. Topics range from Jewish Ethics, Judaism's approach on happiness and wellbeing, mental health, Jewish mysticism, how success thinks and much more.
All our classes our open & safe spaces, relaxed atmosphere and will not need any prior Jewish education. Plus they usually have food to satisfy the body!
You may also be able to receive a stipend on some of our courses!

Together with Chabad on Campus International, we are pleased to offer many explorational trips throughout the year. Trips include, NYC Pegisha, Living Links Poland Trip, Mayanot Birthright Israel, Israel Links and more. We get to take a large Rowan group each year on these unforgettable trips. Please get in touch with us and explore the hyper links fore more info.
We look forward to including you on our next trip!
Prayer Services
Chabad is dedicated to helping every Jew increase their level of Jewish knowledge, enthusiasm, and commitment. We encourage you to participate regardless of your background, affiliation or level of observance. Chabad is not out to make you Orthodox. Only you can make personal decisions with regard to your lifestyle.
Come to get a taste of what it is like at Chabad. Join us for our High Holiday or Shabbat Morning Services. Your soul will thank you.
Friday Night Shabbat Service - 6:30 PM
Saturday Morning -11:00 AM (On every first Saturday of Month)
For High Holiday and Holiday service schedule please visit the unique holiday pages on this website.

& of course much more!!